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Values provide guidance and stability in important decisions
When you know your values and are in tune with them, you can better focus on what truly matters to you and avoid distractions and stress. By adhering to our core beliefs in everyday life and making decisions aligned with this inner compass, we can live a fulfilling and meaningful life. Actitude offers a great introduction to ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy).

How to Use Them?
For small and big decisions alike, you can ask yourself: Which path brings me closer to the person I want to be? And if that path is paved with obstacles, your values help you to stay on course and overcome them. In decision coaching, we also clarify what is truly important to you, because only decisions that align with your values have a chance of long-term success.
For tasks you dread or things you’ve been putting off for weeks, you can bring these beliefs into play: Remind yourself why these tasks matter. Remind yourself that completing this task is good for your well-being. Learn to accept that unpleasant feelings are part of the journey to happiness.
Value of the Day
You can experience today the difference it makes to have a compass: Choose one of your values and try to live in its spirit for the rest of the day. At work, in discussions, meetings, or with family—and of course with yourself.
The unStruggle app connects your values with your tasks and to-do lists, helping you stay focused and clear. Learn more…
What Are Your Values?
To discover your personal values, you can ask yourself one or more of the following questions, depending on what resonates with you:
Imagine you’re 85 years old and looking back on your life:
- What would you do differently, and why?
- What would you do the same way again, and why?
- What were the moments when you were the happiest? What made those moments special?
- What is truly important to you in life? What do you stand for?
- Focus on “things” that can’t be touched. For tangible things: Why is this object important to you? What does it give you?
- What do you want to achieve with your limited time on this planet?
- How do you want your friends, family, and colleagues to remember you?
- If you were the president of a newly founded island nation: how should people treat each other?
Maybe the following table will help you. Go through the words below in several rounds until you’ve chosen 5-6 of them:
- Mark all terms that resonate with you (or cut them out and make piles).
- Focus on the marked terms: Which are more important to you? Which are secondary?
- Add your own if any aren’t listed.
Important: Values are not tangible and they are not goals — you can never „check off“ something like respect.
Courage | Gratitude | Humility | Honesty | Influence | Encouragement |
Fairness | Diligence | Flexibility | Freedom | Joy | Kindness |
Kindness | Caring | Patience | Reciprocity | Justice | Skill |
Health | Equality | Generosity | Persistence | Challenge | Humor |
Intimacy | Conformity | Cooperation | Creativity | Love | Compassion |
Participation | Curiosity | Openness | Order | Respect | Romance |
Beauty | Self-confidence | Self-care | Self-control | Sexuality | Safety |
Sensuality | Fun | Independence | Support | Responsibility | Connection |
Forgiveness | Trust | Growth | … | … | … |